crowd city电脑版(crowded city)

2023-10-28 23:43:46
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最近在抖音上小火了一下的小游戏 Crowd city (拥挤城市) 悠闲的时候玩一玩乐趣无穷啊




现在有很多的news stories. Do you think whether it is beneficial to stop reading or listening to news for a period of a few days or weeks?(重复2018年10月27日、 2105年5月24日题目)


1. 不看新闻能让人们更专心于自己的本职工作。上班过程中刷新闻会让我们忘了刚才在忙碌的事情,要重新理思路开始。

2. 大部分新闻对普通人自己的生活没用。比如英国脱欧,贸易战,明星八卦。

3. 能让我们更乐观、开心一些。新闻上的信息常是对事实的过分夸大,每天接触夸张的负面信息容易影响人们的生活态度。



Which way do you think is the best way for a student to make new friends?

-joining a sports team;

-participating in community activities;


Use specific examples to support your answer.(重复2014年3月15日题目)


1. 与加入运动队相比,社会活动接触的人群更加广泛。。

2. 与旅游相比,学生更容易与社会活动中结识的朋友保持友谊。

3. 社会活动本身能让人们在深入的接触中建立起共同的目标,从而加强彼此之间的感情,这是能交到新朋友和志同道合朋友特别有效的方式。


1. Some people like to exercise by themselves, while others prefer to exercise with a group of people.

Which do you prefer and why?

2. Some people like to make risky and challenging plans, while others like to be cautious and avoid risks.

What kind of person are you and why?

3. Some people like to purchase digital products as soon as they are available on the market, while others like to buy them some time later.

What kind of person are you and why?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Famous athletes and entertainers do not deserve the money they earn.

5. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? The universities should spend more money on improving facilities than on hiring famous teachers.

6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to choose a university whose graduates have good job opportunities than to choose a university that has famous professors.

7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way for a company to invest its money is to improve the skills of its employees.

8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Visiting museums is the best way to learn about a foreign country.

9. Which one of the three following factors do you think is the most important factor that contributes to long-term friendships.

-Helping each other at difficult times

-Sharing mutual interests

-Trusting each other completely

10. Your school wants to improve the quality of students’ life in the dormitory. Which one of the following do you think the school should build in dorms?

-a study room

-an exercise room for students to keep physical well-being

-a room for entertainment


10月13日 考试回顾

Some people want to change their appearance, even by surgery. Do you agree or disagree with this behavior?(同2017.05.13)


观点一:赞同,可以利用时间的对比来答,在以前,科技没有那么进步,那个时候大家靠化妆(make-up)来改变容貌,但是化妆的容貌只是暂时的,可以被清洗掉,还是原来的容貌;反观现今,因为有了整容手术(plastic surgery),很多人对自己相貌不自信的人有了解决办法,并且一劳永逸,让自己更开心和自信,也不用担心会像化妆品一样只是临时的了。

观点二:反对,这个时候可以拿出杀手锏——内在美(inner beauty),一个外貌(appearance)很漂亮很完美的人可能比较讨喜(attractive),如果ta做人自私(being selfish)或者做事卑鄙(mean),又或者经常怀揣负能量(negativity),相反,相貌平平但是做事做人nice,满满正能量,在哪里都会讨喜。因此,与其花大量钱去提升表面(to be basic)倒不如提升自己的内在美(知识、人品、礼仪、技能、能力等)。


1.Some people like participating in performance like theatrical or musical show.

Others prefer to be in audience watching those plays.

Which do you prefer?

2.Some people prefer sending messages while others prefer making phone calls directly.

which one do you prefer?

3.Some people want to change their appearance, even by surgery.

Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons.

4.Some people prefer to give their opinions immediately.

Others prefer to wait and listen to others’ opinions before giving their own.

Which one do you think is better?

5.Which one do you agree? Children born with talent should be treated in a different way or they should be treated in the same way as average children.

6.Some people believe old people should not take risk and participate adventurousevents as the young people.

Do you agree? Why?

7.Some people believe that we should not discuss about the private activities of the popular people, like movie stars and singers.

Do you agree? Why?

8.You have been very busy and unable to prepare for the exam tomorrow. You can either stay up late to study and sleep less or just study less and get full night’s sleep.

Which will you choose?

9.Some students think that they are graded by participating in the discussion class, while others think that they are graded only by written work, such as paper. Which opinion would you prefer and give your reasons.

10.If you are to choose between 2 apartments to live in next semester, one apartment is near the campus but slightly expensive, the other is a little far from the campus butcheaper.

which one do you prefer and why?

11.You live in a crowded city with only one green space-the city park. The government recently proposes to build a housing complex on this only green space.

Do you think this is a good idea?

12.Many people think that students study course materials more effectively by taking exams, while others think that students learn more effective through doing other activities such as writing paper or completing projects, which do you think is more effective for students to learn?

13.Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few workers.Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees.

Which do you think is better?

14.Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities, one university is well-known for its excellent academic program, but it’s expensive, while another is less well-know, but has offered you with scholarship to pay for your intuition fee.

Which university would you prefer, explain why.

15.Some parents think they should protect students from making mistakes. Some think they should let them make mistakes.

What do you think?

16.Many students are asked to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester. Do you think it is a good idea? Why or why not.

17.Do you prefer being friends with those who are of your age of those who are older than you?

18.Do you agree or disagree that experienced teachers is a deciding factor to the success of a school?

19.With the new technologies, we now have electric books and internet. Someone thinks that someday the library will totally disappear.

What is your opinion?

20.Do you agree or disagree that important business meetings should be held in person rather than use technology such as video conference call. Give specific reasons to support your answer.


1.surge = sudden increase = sharp rise = spurt = outbreak 激增

2.alter = transform = change = convert改变

3.characteristic = typical = classic = distinctive个性鲜明的,典型的

4.constituent = component = piece = part成分

5.critical = essential = basic = indispensable = fundamental = key重要的

6.elaborate = complex = with great details = complicated = intricate复杂精细的

7.elevated = high = raised 高的

8.exploit = take advantage of = make use of = use = utilize = harness利用

9.ideal = perfect = optimum 理想的,最优的

10.integrated = combined 结合的

11.intermittent = periodical 间歇的,断断续续的

12.launch = start = initiate开始

13.nevertheless = even so = however = nonetheless 尽管如此

14.predominantly = mainly = mostly主要地

15.promote = encourage = stimulate = motivate = foster激励,促进

16.retain = preserve = keep = hold = conserve保持

17.scatter = spread out = distribute = spread apart = widely separate = disperse = diffuse 分散

18.severity = seriousness = harshness 严重性

19.ultimately = eventually = finally = over time最终

20.adequate = rich = sufficient = enough = plentiful = abundant = copious = considerable = significant充足的,大量的

21.anticipate = predict = expect 预期

22.apparent = seeming表面上的,看起来的

23.compelling = persuasive = convincing有说服力的

24.converge = come together = gather = meet = assemble = aggregate =compile聚集

25.deliberate = intentional = on purpose 故意的

26.distinct = separate不同的,各自的

27.emergence = appearance/occurrence = rise = development出现

28.ensure = guarantee = make sure确保

29.entirely = completely 完全地

30.exhaust = use up = consume耗尽

31.intermediate = between stages = in-between 中级的

32.manipulate = skillfully use 熟练使用

33.peak = maximum = highest point最高点

34.potential = possible = prospective可能的

35.readily = easily 容易地

36.reinforce = strengthen = make stronger = intensify = heighten = increase加强

37.remnants = remains = leftovers = remainders 残骸

38.substantially = significantly = massively = considerably = appreciably = greatly = drastically = extremely = dramatically极大地

39.surplus (a./n.)= excessive = extra = excess quantity 过多(的)

40. swift = fast = quick = rapid 快速的

41. unprecedented = never before achieved = never before seen = previously unequaled 史无前例的

42.vulnerable = easily damaged = unprotected = delicate = fragile易受伤害的

43.pervasive = widespread = common 广泛的

44.exclusively = only = solely = merely = simply 唯一,仅仅

45.hence = therefore = thereby = thus = consequently = as a result 因此

46.simultaneous = happening/that take place at the same time 同时的

47.derive = capture = obtain = accomplish = achieve= gather = acquire 获得

48.gradual = slow 缓慢的

49.presumably = It is reasonable to assume = most likely = probably 想必是

50.assess = evaluate 评估

51.initially = at first = originally 一开始,起初

52.prosperous = wealthy = thriving = flourishing = booming繁荣的

53.pursue = engage in = practice = involve从事

54.rudimentary = basic = elementary 基本的 = primitive = undeveloped初步的,未发展的

55.accompany = occur along with 伴随发生

56.adopt = start to use = embrace 接纳,采用

57.adverse = negative = unfavorable = detrimental = harmful不利的

58.attest = confirm = provide evidence of = verify验证,证实

59.besides = in addition to = apart from = additionally = further = furthermore此外

60.breakthrough = development 突破,发展

61.cease = stop 停止

62.consistent = unvarying 持续的、不变的 = constant= the same each time 一致的,始终的

63.conventional = standard 惯例的 = traditional 传统的

64.counterpart = equivalent 对应物

65.debate = argue about 争论

66.deposit = put = place = lay 放置

67.detect = notice = distinguish察觉

68.diminish = reduce = decrease = detract减少

69.dismiss = reject 不予考虑

70.diverse = varied = various = assorted多样的




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