she is so还有she is soft

2023-12-17 20:13:06
手机游戏网 > 手游app排行榜 > she is so还有she is soft

现如今越来越多的小伙伴开始追求娱乐活动,对于一些喜欢看直播的人肯定都知道如今国内比较大的平台就是斗鱼、虎牙两大直播平台,这对于一些超人气一线美女主播在平台发展都算得上是十分不错的,虎牙女主播丸子哟在最近一段时间成为了电竞圈的一个头号人气王,在前不久丸子还被MadameFigaro锁定成为了电竞圈“男神收割机”,但没想到在丸子的微博中输入she is so wanziyoo,输入法回应居然是她好可爱!

主播丸子曾是一位专玩炉石传说的专业电竞游戏主播因为她天生长相小巧精致,鼻梁高挺,眼角微微上挑给人一种妩媚的感觉,常常在直播间内cos自己喜欢的角色,非常像动漫中的第一舞姬初音未来,如今她热衷于二次元和歌舞,当然最多的还要数唱歌类的节目他不但在网易云发布了新歌,最宠粉的丸子调皮的回复到你们可能没难么可爱!,还在虎牙直播间给粉丝们一同聊天,粉丝们也纷纷去丸子的直播间点歌,微博回应 “she is so wanziyoo”吸引来了无数小伙伴的围观。丸子作为一个最宠粉的人气女主播,许多粉丝们都忍不住笑了出来,还有水友给丸子说改成He!



1. catch someone's eye 引起某人的注意,吸引某人视线

= to be attractive to someone

The shy man at the back of the class caught my eye.


2. to have a crush on someone 对异性有好感

= to only be able to think about one person

When I was at school, I had a crush on a film star.


3. to have a soft spot for someone 喜欢,有好感

= to have a weakness for someone

She has a soft spot for Richard - he can do anything!


4. to have the hots for someone 迷恋某人

= to find someone very attractive

She's got the hots for the new office manager.


5. to fall for someone 爱上

= to fall in love

He always falls for the wrong types!


6. to fall head over heels for someone 深深堕入爱河

= to completely fall in love

He fell head over heels for her.


7. to be lovey-dovey 卿卿我我

= for a couple to show everyone how much they are in love

They're so lovey-dovey, always whispering to each other and looking into each other's eyes.


8. to have eyes only for 只钟情于某人

= to be attracted to one person only

He's dropped all his old friends, now that he has eyes only for Susie.


9. to be smitten by someone 爱上某人

= to be in love with someone

I first met him at a party and from that evening on, I was smitten.


10. to be the love of someone's life 为某人所爱

= to be loved by a person

He has always been the love of her life.


作者:admin | 分类:手游app排行榜 | 浏览:17 | 评论:0