
2023-07-24 01:07:41
手游app游戏网 > 手游app游戏网 > 疯狂英语怎么说(疯狂英语翻译)

Mad as a hatter

Completely insane







作者记录了实操全过程,并分享了全部的 Prompt,细节非常完备,妥妥的干货!非常推荐学习与收藏!


By the end of next month, he will have traveled 1000 miles on foot.

作者分享了他翻译「The Great CEO Within」(CEO修炼手册) 英文书籍的全过程!一路上使用各种工具降妖除魔,最终完成翻译、校对并毛遂自荐获得了作者授权。

It took place before liberation.


I think he’ll blow his top when you give him the news.

Glass breaks easily. 玻璃容易破碎。 The car rides smoothly. 这车走起来很稳。

如果买家提供的目标价极低(想拿买桑塔纳的钱买奔驰),不论我们如何价值传递,对方都坚持认为价格too high,我们可以尝试提供其他产品方案。

The President will be meeting the foreign delegation at the airport.

不能翻译成肉食动物,肉食动物是carnivore ['ka:nivɔ:]。

"Each year in the tiny hamlet of Cocullo, surrounded by some of Italy's most undomesticated forests, the villagers prove their devotion by getting down and dirty with as many fork-tongued reptiles as they can." “每年,被意大利原始的森林簇拥的小村庄科库尔罗,村民们会摆弄各式各样的蛇来证明他们对活动的无限热情。

Ways to say you’re going to spend a lot of money:

『AIGC+调研 | 一文掌握如何用 GPT-4 搞定调研报告』输出用户画像及行为偏好


⋙ Reddit原帖:



Canberra Sled Dog Classic: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia 堪培拉雪橇犬经典:堪培拉 澳大利亚首都直辖区 澳大利亚

love Is Ecstasy 爱痴狂 ; 爱IS翻译公司 ; 台压版 ; 爱是翻译公司

II. Judy is a policewoman. Judy是个警察。



Below you will see some of the most common English idioms you can use when feeling angry, frustrated or irritated with something.

"This multi-event program attracts many local and international participants from the audience who often finish up on world TV news paddling canoes with sand shovels and in land lubber events like filling empty 44 gallon drums with sand. The Henley-on-Todd is run entirely on a volunteer basis by the three Rotary Clubs based in the Alice. The entire proceeds - over a million dollars in the 30 plus years of the event - are allocated to local, national and international humanitarian projects." “众多节事活动吸引了很多本地和国际的参与者,这些参与者来自世界各地有趣的比赛现场,比如电视新闻中报道的用铲子划独木舟比赛,或是用沙子填满容量为44加仑的容器。帆船比赛由扶轮俱乐部的志愿者共同运营,扶轮俱乐部总部设在爱丽丝。从30余年的赛事中积累的全部收入超过一百万美元全部扶持于本地,本国和国际人道主义项目当中。”

作者:admin | 分类:手游app游戏网 | 浏览:25 | 评论:0